Monday, April 26, 2010

Light Weight, High Reps???? Not Always the Best Case

Most women believe that lifting light weights for a high rep range will prevent them from "bulking". Theses guidelines are said to create "long, lean muscles". How is it possible to alter the length of your muscle????? Could you change the length of your bones too??? Not possible. Everybody is genetically predisposed to the shape and length of your muscles and bones. Changing your fat free body mass will give you a different appearance, but the actual length will not change.

The way to get that defined look that you are looking for is to constantly change the sets and rep ranges of your workouts. You must put your muscles under enough stress in order for them to strengthen and grow. If you continue to lift your little pink dumbbells for 15 to 25 effortless reps, you will potentially increase your muscular endurance, but you wont increase your muscle mass, which, in turn gives you that lean look your working for.

My suggestion is to cycle your lifting days in three different levels. Theses levels will be a heavy, medium and light day. Heavy days should include rep ranges from 5-8 reps. Medium days will include rep ranges from 8-12 reps. Light days will be anywhere from 12-20 reps. Take note that on each of these days, whether it be a 15 rep day or 6 rep day, the last few reps should be difficult! This is also beneficial because this type of training will not allow your muscles to adapt to your programs. Muscles adapt to volume (reps x sets) before the actual exercise.

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